Explore cedar oil. DIY: Best hair masks

olej-cedrowy-3Siberian pine (also called Siberian cedar) is a plan of valuable properties that grown in the northern parts of Yakutia. It is used not only in medicine but also in cosmetology. If producers willingly use cedar oil in their products, why not make homemade cosmetics on your own?

DIY is not only great fun but also a way to create original, completely new and natural cosmetics. They are handmade, on the basis of the best nourishing ingredients. We know exactly what we put inside. Our hair will appreciate the effort and pay us back in beautiful appearance and strength.

Why cedar oil? It is a natural product that provides many valuable components. It works perfectly on strands with the tendency to falling out, dandruff or becoming oily. It eliminates most problems, because cedar oil:

  • has anti-seborrhea properties (reduces sebum secretion),
  • soothes and eliminates inflammation,
  • nourishes, strengthens and provides resilience,
  • is responsible for the proper level of hydration,
  • speeds up the process of healing wounds, also on the scalp,
  • cures dandruff, eliminating its causes, for example blastomyces,
  • reduces hair loss and improves hair growth.


Since cedar oil works so well in hair care, there is no reason why you could not create your own, natural cosmetic on its base. Cedar oil is an organic product, completely safe and effective. Have a loot at three most popular hair masks in which cedar oil plays the key role.

Anti-dandruff maks. 

Effects: soothes irritation, eliminates dandruff
You will need: black tea, cedar oil, honey

How to do it?

Combine a tablespoon of strongly brewed tea with the same amount of cedar oil and bit of natural honey. Next, rub this rather runny blend into your scalp and wrap it in a towel. Wash it off only after a minimum of two hours.

Regenerating hair mask. 

Effects: nourishes, strengthens, regenerates
You will need: cedar oil, egg yolk

How to do it?

Whip the egg yolk and add a tablespoon of cedar oil. Blend well until you have a smooth consistency. Apply the mask on the entire length of hair and warp it with a warmed up towel. Wash it off after about fifteen minutes.